Carolinas Pain Institute and The Center for Clinical Research remain committed to providing the safest possible health environment for our patients, staff and health care providers. We continue to monitor, on a daily basis, the local, regional, statewide and federal guidelines as it relates to the coronavirus (COVID-19).
We continue to implement the following:
- If you have a fever (temp >100.4), we ask that you please stay home or consult with your primary care doctor or emergency room as indicated. You will be allowed to reschedule your appointment at CPI after you are afebrile for >48 hours. CPI and CCR are working diligently to provide as many telemedicine and remote patient monitoring options as possible to our patients in these instances. Your physician will determine, based on your individual needs which telemedicine option is most appropriate to give you the best possible care. Please contact us for additional questions or to provide additional information at 336-765-6181.
- At this time, our offices remain open during normal business hours for new patient appointments and procedures. Your temperature will be taken during the check-in/rooming process. If your temperature exceeds 100.4, you will be asked to leave and reschedule.
- Patients will be asked if they have had any recent foreign travel or been on any cruises. Patients may be asked to reschedule if they have traveled to areas “at risk” or been exposed to persons known to have tested positive to the coronavirus (COVID-19).
- Family members and friends of patients are asked to wait in their cars. We need to keep the waiting room to as few people as possible to prevent the risk of spreading infections.
- No CPI or CCR employee will be allowed to work with a temperature greater than 100.4. All staff will perform social distancing and wash hands repetitively, as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and others. Additional steps have been implemented to frequently sanitize workspaces, exam rooms, door knobs and other commonly touched surfaces during office hours.
- Physical examinations of patients will be limited at the present time to only pertinent and necessary areas of the body. This will be documented as a response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
- We appreciate your understanding and patience. We’re all in this together during an unprecedented and rapidly changing environment. We all need to do everything possible to “flatten the curve” and change the natural history of COVID-19.
- We will get through this. Be safe and take care.